Some Animals Are Less Equal Than Others
What is about people not getting paid lately? An anonymous reader wrote in: I’ve heard it is common for independent films to not pay their PA’s, but is it weird if some PA’s are paid and others are not? When I started I was told that the film I am on is not paying their […]
No Flash Photography
As a general rule, don’t take pictures on set. Even if you’re not on Lost, the creators and studio execs, in agreement for once, probably don’t want you spoiling events/locations/casting new on your show. Still, the self-imposed surveillance state we all live in now means that everyone has a camera attached to their cell phone. Or […]
I’ll Be the BEST Intern Ever!
An anonymous reader writes: I’ve recently started working full-time as an “intern” for the president of production at a production company. I am the only intern in the office, making me an assistant really, rather than an intern. What makes me an intern is that I don’t get paid. I have given a commitment of […]
My Favorite! – Comic
This has happened more times than I care to admit.
How to Get Coordinator Contact Info (This Title Is Very Misleading)
Jackie writes in: Any advice on how best to get the contact info for a production coordinator of a specific show? Generally, it’s a know-someone-who-knows-someone kind of deal. Think about it. If you have something that a lot of people want (a job to offer), would you publicize your email? Coordinators would get millions of […]
Other Jobs
Sometimes you just have to take another job outside of production.
Tell Me About Yourself
Carlos asks: On an interview, what do you say when they ask that question: “Can you tell me about yourself?” Should I be brief and just talk about what I want to do (be a producer) and go over my resume, or you should mention where you studied, skills, etc. Whats the best way to […]
What the Hell Are Purchase Orders?
A PA who shall remain nameless (for soon-to-be-obvious reasons) writes in: I’m PAing for my first big production, and my coordinator just told me that since we don’t have open accounts yet, I should use POs for the stuff we order. She already had taken some time to show me some stuff that needed to […]
The Movie Next Door
Will writes in with a story that comes up quite a bit in Los Angeles: A movie is currently filming literally down the street from me. It’s a Hollywood film being produced by Paramount, as that was stamped on one of their vehicles. I know they are all staffed up since they are already filming. […]
Applying for a Job While You Have a Job
Nick writes in: I’m nervous to apply to some shows because the company I work for may do work with said show. Have you ever had a circumstance where you applied to a job where someone was connected with your current job? I haven’t, and I can’t really imagine it happening. Why would the coordinator […]
Amateur Resume Mistakes
Mark writes in: I came across your blog while searching for tips on CV-s and cover letters. I found a lot of helpful advice, but none about putting your photo in the CV. I know it’s not common to embed photos in your resume for the production intern positions, but it seems to me that […]
Reviving Old Contacts
R.O. writes in: Love your blog! Please keep posting 🙂 I have a question that I haven’t seen being addressed. Since my situation is a bit specific, I wanted to go ahead and throw it out there. I got a film degree and “worked” (a.k.a did a bunch of stuff for no pay) for 3 […]