Taking Advantage
So there you are, working your ass off as a PA, running around and doing ridiculous tasks that you will never be able to properly explain to your parents. You love what you do as much as you hate it and you know this is the bottom rung of the Industry ladder. But have you […]
Technical Difficulties
It had to happen some time, folks. Twenty amazing episodes, and then PPPBLLT. Due to technical difficulties, there will be no Crew Call this week. I could explain to you what went wrong,{{1}} but I don’t want to bore you with the details. All you need to know is, Crew Call will be back next […]
Will I Be a PA Forever?
This week, I begin my third season as a production assistant for a TV show that’s not-quite a hit. Which is why the show is going to end and I’ll be right back where I was three years ago. And it’s really, really frustrating. Stop. I know what you’re going to say – “Gee, shouldn’t […]
Trick Question
It’s less common than “What’s your biggest weakness?” but I’ve had several interviewers ask this– “What’s the worst experience you’ve had on a show?” This is one of those times when honesty is not the best policy. You see, what they’re really asking is, “Are you a complainer? Do you get along with people? Do […]
Are You a PA? Do You Want to be Anonymous?
It’s that time again. Time to pass the TAPA torch. I’m not going to go away permanently, but the month of October is going to be really busy for me (in a good way!). If you’re an experienced PA with a point of view (and maybe some writing skill), then now’s your chance to share […]
Line Producer Ryan Murphy
Today’s guest is Ryan Murphy. No, not the creator of Glee and American Horror Story. He’s above the line. Our Ryan Murphy is a line producer, with Danger Close Media. Don’t let the word “producer” in the title fool you. He’s not the kind of producer who wears slick suits and shows up on set […]
Should I Stay in Los Angeles?
Ken writes: I just graduated from film school and moved to LA like various people advised me to do. Now, I’m here and looking for nearly any PA job I can find (yay having little to no experience…) and what I keep hearing is how people don’t really film features in LA much anymore. I […]
Asking Too Many Questions
Tara writes in: I just graduated from college and got my first job as a Production Assistant for a talk show. I’ve done some freelance PAing and the biggest problem I seem to have is that I can’t find the balance between making sure I get everything right and asking too many questions. I understand […]
Editor Scott Powell
_ Our guest today is an Emmy-nominated editor: Scott Powell. Scott has cut such shows as 24, Person of Interest, and Hawaii Five-0 (the new one; he’s not that old). There’s still time to enter the CAPS Payroll contest! They’re giving away two pairs of tickets to Crew Call listeners for their VIP suite at […]
The Future of Networking Is Here
People often write in that they’ve just moved to Los Angeles, and they don’t know how to meet people. Well, first of all, you should come to the TAPA Networking Event this weekend! But there’s not a TAPArty every weekend, you say? Luckily for you, the Internet exists. There are plenty of Facebook groups, Meet […]
There’s still time to win box seats at the Staples Center, thanks to CAPS Payroll. * * * Evan G decided to respond to a six-year-old post about an asshole director. I wasn’t around at the time, but as the current keeper of the TAPA flame (and no big fan of directors myself), I feel […]
The Thermostat
It’s that time of year, at least in Los Angeles, when it’s a hundred and fuck degrees outside, so all the guys in the office decide to set the thermostat to 67.{{1}} It sounds like I’m complaining, but I’m not. I’m from the “purple mountain majesties” part of this country. Growing up, I didn’t see […]