Music Video Shoot

No post today, because I’m PAing on a music video for the first time today. I’m actually kind of excited. Anybody have any advice for me for once?

Working at a Rental Place

Sorry, no Crew Call episode today. We conducted an interview, but the recording got messed up.{{1}} Instead, here’s a regular ol’ blog post. Lana writes in: I currently work at a camera rental house and am constantly in communication with production coordinators on shows around town. I recently have been talking through email with a […]

No College Degree

Jen writes in: I’ve been a PA, Set Dresser, Costume Assistant, and Location Scout on films, commercials, and photo shoots. I’m thinking of moving to LA soon. My goal is to be a writer. I thought the best way to start, is to get a job as a reader at a studio or an assistant […]

What’s the Secret to Comedy?

Melanie writes in: I’m currently in a situation where I’ll need a new job in January. I can’t start any earlier because of prior commitments. I’m primarily looking for work at one of the networks. I know that it may be difficult to find PA jobs at this time, but if I find one is […]

Transportation Coordinator Michael Perrotti

Today’s guest is one of my favorite people in the world, even though he doesn’t know I’m me.{{1}} Michael Perrotti has been a transportation coordinator since before I even had a license. He’s done movie, TV shows, commercials, you name it. He’s currently the head of the transportation department on Teen Wolf, which should tell […]

All My Friends Are Employed

If you’re not reading All My Friends Are Employed, you should be. It’s a funny comic about life as a PA, written by Naomi Shepherd. Check it out: And these are so true– And here’s an honest list of things you need: And I definitely relate to this story.

Start Campaigning Now

People often say that the first thing a politician does after winning an election is running for re-election. As a PA, or any freelance crew, you should be thinking the same way. You never know how long a show will last. It could get cancelled in the middle of the season, or even in the […]

10 Responses to Lies I Get Told on Set

A New Orleans-based coordinator responded to Thursday’s post, and I felt it was worth calling everyone’s attention to: 10. I mostly rent PAs cars. When I ask for a personal vehicle to be used, you either get mileage or gas paid for. If a flat happens on the job, I work with accounting to get […]

2nd AD Anthony Robinson

Today’s guest is a 2nd AD who got into the DGA the hard way– by earning his days as a set PA. It is not easy. Anthony Robinson tells us about everything from buying lunch to directing background actors, all while maintaining a positive attitude. Here’s a little secret that even Anthony doesn’t know– I’ve […]

10 Lies I get Told as a Production Assistant

I’ll admit, other than a few shows that went on location in Vegas, I’ve never shot outside of Los Angeles. I have never worked in places like New Orleans or Detroit, where tax incentives draw film production. I work in Hollywood, literally and metaphorically. But today, a guest blogger wrote in to talk about PAing […]

When Do I Get a Call Sheet?

Elle writes in: I’m doing my non-paid, freelance internship as an Art Dept. PA. This one is a web-based, Emmy-nominated series. I’m asking the 2nd AD for a call sheet (or any information at all, like ‘Hey, yes, we need you tomorrow’) at 8 pm and getting the emailed call sheet at 2 a.m. with, […]