Recently, we posted a job notice from Air Bud Entertainment. Yeah, it turns out there is an entire company devoted to Air Bud spin offs.
How is that even a business model?
Strange Things are Happening to Me
This isn’t my first experience with the dogs-doing-things-dogs-don’t-normally-do genre.
Back when I was a producer’s assistant at a very low-rent production company, it was my job to read all the unsolicited scripts that arrived in our inbox. One week, we received one script about dogs in a surfing competition, and another about a dog who became president. (The First Pet was somewhere in the order of succession between Speaker of the House and Secretary of Agriculture.)
This was not Air Bud Entertainment. We weren’t known for, or particularly interested in, stories about dogs behaving in an un-doglike manner. We just got these two, weirdly specific scripts within a couple of days of each other.
Maybe the universe was speaking to us, I dunno. We didn’t buy the scripts (because they were terrible), but I never forgot them. Did the writers know each other? Did they have a feeling that anthropomorphic dogs were going to be the next big thing, and each was rushing to beat the other to market? Maybe they both just grew up with a beloved dog that occasionally spoke to them, but instead of taking the Son of Sam route, they channeled their hallucinations into art?
I’ve heard stranger things than that happening in Hollywood.

So how about you, dear reader? What’s the strangest screenplay you’ve come across in your time in the Industry?