At one of our recent resume design webinars, Michael asked if TV and film credits need to be listed seperately.

When you’re creating a production resume, the type of work you did is far more important than who you did it for. That’s why the first column should be your own job title.
Especially when you’re starting out, the difference between a set PA on a movie and a set PA on a single-camera show is negligible.{{1}} An office PA on a series has more in common with the office PA on the film next door than the set PA on their own shoot.
It’s simpler and easier to lump everything together on a resume, regardless of where it comes out in the end.
Which Is Not to Say There Aren’t Differences
Films work at a slower pace, day-to-day. They only shoot a few pages a day, sometimes less. At the same time, the whole production will be over and done with in just a couple months.
A day on a TV series is likely more frenetic, scrambling to get eight pages done before wrap. But even a short season lasts longer than most movie shoots. And if the show is renewed, you could be working with the same people for years and years.
One isn’t better than the other.{{2}} It’s all a matter of personal preference, really.
But none of that really affects your resume. If you know how to navigate base camp and don’t shout racial epithets into the walkie, it really doesn’t matter to the AD if you worked on a TV show this week and a movie next. So put all your credits together and make it easy to read.
Step Up Your Resume Game

For even more entertainment industry resume tips, sign up for one of our regular webinars. We’ll walk you through the process of creating your resume, from top to bottom, using techniques gleaned from years at a below-the-line agency. Seriously, it’ll help whether you’re a PA or a producer, and everyone in between.
[[1]]I am, of course, talking primarily about single-camera shows. Multi-cam shows are a different beast.[[1]]
[[2]]Commercials and music videos are a whole ‘nother ball of wax, shooting fast and for only a limited time.[[2]]