I recently discovered the website Any Possibility, mostly because they linked to TAPA on a recent post.
It’s written by Sam Wilson, an experienced assistant at several literary{{1}} agencies. I know of lot of readers, like me, want to be represented by one of those agencies some day. She offers a very insiders view of what it’s like on the other side of the table.
But more relevant to the majority of my readers, she recently wrote a post about how she got her first job as an assistant.
“But TAPA, I don’t want to be an assistant. I want to be a set PA!” Listen up, hypothetical reader I just made up, because Sam has some news for you–
Don’t waste time, or hold out, for your dream job. GET A JOB. Any job. Because you’ll hold out and hold out and hold out, then a year will have gone by that you could have been working and building your resume, but you were worried about getting stuck somewhere you didn’t want to be.
I recommend reading the entire post.
[[1]]This is Hollywood-speak that means they represent screenwriters.[[1]]