Eva writes:
You are awesome and I love your site. That is all. 🙂
Thanks, Eva! You’re pretty nice, too.
Even if I come across as a little cranky sometimes, I genuinely hope my blog is helpful to all the PAs out there, whether you’ve been in the business for years or are aspiring to get your first job.
And for everyone else, I hope you’re at least entertained. This blog has been around for a while, but I doubt I’ll ever run out of dumb stories from set.
If you have any questions you want answered, or just some topics you’d like discussed, email me at anonymousproductionassistant at gmail dot com. Or, send me a tweet, @TheAnonymousPA. If you follow me, I’ll follow you right back (unless you’re some obvious scam or promotional thing, of course).
I do occasionally get emails asking if I “still” offer my resume and cover letter service. Yes, I do. Why wouldn’t I?
And if you’d like to help keep the blog running, please click on the ads you see in the side bar.{{1}} Hosting this site isn’t free, and ads keep the lights on.
[[1]]I’m not actually supposed to say this, but what the hell, right?[[1]]