The Anonymous Production Assistant





The Tyranny of Chronology

I agree that a film should have a beginning, a middle and an end but not necessarily in that order.

Yes, I just quoted a French New Wave director. Excuse me a second while I punch myself in the face.

The guy's t-shirt even looks kinda French.
I deserve this.

I’ve been seeing a lot of resumes lately for my cover letter and resume rewriting service. One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people are listing their education first.

This is a mistake. No one really cares what school you went to. Having a college degree is nice, but for the most part, it’s just a box to check.

I understand the desire to list your university education first; it was your first real accomplishment as an adult. Plus, you spent a TON of money on it. You want to show off your shiny, expensive piece of paper.

But unless you just graduated from film school, and you have no film experience, don’t list your college at the top. It makes it seem like you haven’t done anything important since.

While we’re on the subject, don’t list the dates you worked on a given movie or show. List them in order of importance, with bigger productions at the top. Don’t be really obvious about it,  of course. You shouldn’t put The Matrix at the very top, or again, people will think you haven’t worked on a show in ten years.

Now that I’ve given you some free advice, maybe you ought to try the full resume and cover letter service. That’s what we in the web 2.0 business call “freemium.”{{1}}

[[1]]See? That’s a third thing you didn’t know I just gave away for free.[[1]]






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