The Anonymous Production Assistant





Where References Go

Man, I have been letting the mail bag pile up. Here’s an email from October 5th:

I sent in my resume [to a production company] but in hindsight should have added a much better cover letter not my generic one.

I have gone and read everything I can find on them and emailed just about anyone who might have a connection to it. Still, I was wondering if you might have any advice?

For instance, I have some amazing references but I don’t know how to use them effectively. I don’t know how to get them to the right person at [production company.] Also, is making an office call good or bad?

If you have good references, definitely put them at the end of your cover letter (not resume; that just clutters it). After your signature, your reference list can be as simple as this:

Phone Number
Email Address

Of course, you should make sure your references are comfortable with you giving out their information.

If the job posting specifically says “don’t call,” then you obviously shouldn’t call. Otherwise, it doesn’t hurt to call the next day (or later the same day, if you sent your resume in the morning) and say, “Hi, this is TAPA. I sent over my resume this morning, and I just wanted to confirm you got it. When do you think you’ll be setting up interviews? I’d love to come in and meet you.” It shows interest and friendliness, without being too pushy.

But the most important thing to remember is this: if you don’t get that job, or even interview, it’s because the odds are stacked against you. The chances are one in a thousand that you’ll get the job. You’ll have to apply to a thousand jobs before you get your next one. (That’s how math works, right?) So flood the world with your resume, and you’ll be fine.

Good luck!

* * *

In other news, Jo sent this to me:

9. Drinking. Lots and lots of drinking.
8. Unemployment

Sadly true. I had my own series of posts on the life cycle of a show, but this just about covers it.


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