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Live podcast interviews are back!
Line Producer Jason Roberts | Crew Call

The first episode of the latest season of Crew Call is online now! Check out our chat with line producer Jason Roberts. He takes us through his entire career, from PA to Producer, and has great advice for everyone who wants to follow that path. (The audio version will be available soon.)
Reconnecting Just to Ask for a Job

Fred writes in about reconnecting with an old boss: So, a field producer I worked for a couple years ago (I was a PA) recently started working on a show that I like. I haven’t actually spoken to him in maybe a year or so, but I want to ask him if he could pass […]
Crew Call is Back!

Crew Call, the below-the-line podcast, is back for another season on iTunes!{{1}} Some of you may recall that TAPA created a podcast a couple years ago, wherein I interviewed below-the-line crew–DPs, editors, and so on. But because it was so time consuming and expensive, we only made one season. I was saddened by that, because […]
Animator Jason Bierut
It’s the final episode of Crew Call for the year! Today’s guest is an experienced animator, and now technical director. Jason Bierut has worked on The Powerpuff Girls, Mucha Lucha, and most recently, Jake and the Never Land Pirates. He talks about the state of modern animation, and what it takes to break into that […]
Transportation Coordinator Michael Perrotti
Today’s guest is one of my favorite people in the world, even though he doesn’t know I’m me.{{1}} Michael Perrotti has been a transportation coordinator since before I even had a license. He’s done movie, TV shows, commercials, you name it. He’s currently the head of the transportation department on Teen Wolf, which should tell […]
2nd AD Anthony Robinson
Today’s guest is a 2nd AD who got into the DGA the hard way– by earning his days as a set PA. It is not easy. Anthony Robinson tells us about everything from buying lunch to directing background actors, all while maintaining a positive attitude. Here’s a little secret that even Anthony doesn’t know– I’ve […]
Sound Mixer Chris Henry
Today’s guest is a voice you may find familiar– our very own producer, Chris Henry. Besides recording and editing Crew Call, Chris is an on-set sound mixer for indie movies. He’s relatively new to Los Angeles, and so I felt his experiences might be useful to some of the younger listeners out there, who are […]
Production Designer Vincent Reynaud
Today’s episode features yet another department about which I know precious little. Our guest is a production designer, Vincent Reynaud. We talk about color, design, and many things I just plain don’t understand. Plus, Vincent has a delightful accent. The producer of today’s episode was Chris Henry, who also wrote the theme. (I screwed up […]
Costume Designer Eden Miller
Today’s guest is Eden Miller, a costume designer who’s worked on everything from soap operas to features. She’s even designed her own fashion line, Cabiria! This is one of those episodes where I went in almost totally blind. I know almost nothing about this department. Luckily, Eden knows everything, and gives us the lowdown from […]
Line Producer Ryan Murphy
Today’s guest is Ryan Murphy. No, not the creator of Glee and American Horror Story. He’s above the line. Our Ryan Murphy is a line producer, with Danger Close Media. Don’t let the word “producer” in the title fool you. He’s not the kind of producer who wears slick suits and shows up on set […]
Editor Scott Powell
_ Our guest today is an Emmy-nominated editor: Scott Powell. Scott has cut such shows as 24, Person of Interest, and Hawaii Five-0 (the new one; he’s not that old). There’s still time to enter the CAPS Payroll contest! They’re giving away two pairs of tickets to Crew Call listeners for their VIP suite at […]